152 – “Understanding practice change” videos and podcasts
Back in November we ran a Symposium in Melbourne on the topic “Understanding practice change by farmers and other rural landholders”. Thanks to some generous sponsorship we were able to record the day on video and audio, and the presentations are now available on line.
Speakers on the day were Neil Barr, Allan Curtis, Geoff Kaine, Rick Llewellyn, Graham Marshall, David Pannell, Frank Vanclay, and Roger Wilkinson, and the chair for the day was Andrew Campbell.
We have established a new web site to host outputs from the Symposium http://www.ruralpracticechange.org/ For each speaker, the web site provides material from the Symposium in a range of formats:
- a video containing an edited version of the speaker’s presentation which can be viewed to on line.
- a video of the complete presentation which can be downloaded and viewed any time.
- an audio recording of the complete presentation which can be listened to on line.
- a podcast (MP3 file) of the complete presentation which can be downloaded and played any time.
- a copy of the speaker’s PowerPoint file that can be viewed on screen.
There are also links to key papers and reports by the authors, and we are working on written versions of our presentations to be the basis for a book to be published later this year or next.
Sponsors of the Symposium were the Department of Primary Industries, Victoria; Future Farm Industries CRC; Landmark; University of Melbourne; University of Western Australia; and the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
Check out the site. Tell your friends!
Understanding Practice Change by Farmers
National Symposium, 14 November 2008, Melbourne.
Outputs from the Symposium, including videos, audio podcasts, and PowerPoint files, are now available at http://www.ruralpracticechange.org/
Speakers (L-R): Geoff Kaine, David Pannell, Neil Barr, Frank Vanclay, Graham Marshall, Roger Wilkinson, Allan Curtis, Rick Llewellyn
David Pannell, The University of Western Australia
Further Reading
Pannell, D.J., Marshall, G.R., Barr, N., Curtis, A., Vanclay, F. and Wilkinson, R. (2006). Understanding and promoting adoption of conservation practices by rural landholders. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 46(11): 1407-1424.
If you or your organisation subscribes to the Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture you can access the paper at: http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/72/paper/EA05037.htm (or non-subscribers can buy a copy on-line for A$25). Otherwise, email David.Pannell@uwa.edu.au to ask for a copy.